Report Definition
The Report Definition section provides the ability to create new and modify standard or custom report templates. You can also share or keep reports private, sort, group, and filter data for your report.
The following topics are explained:
Understanding Standard Data Fields and Custom Data Fields (CDFs) for Reports
Standard and Custom data fields provide you with the ability to set restricting conditions or "parameters" to eliminate data that is not needed; thereby, making your sort as useful as possible. There are 37 standard data fields and up to 20 Custom Data Fields (CDFs) that can be created for your company. They provide you with the ability to modify the data within these fields. Data can be modified for a single asset or multiple assets and by using an automated method.
Examples of CDFs are (varies per your organization):
- Cost Center
- User Name
- Asset Tag
NOTE: The labels for the CDFs are created by HP Financial Services on a customer-by-customer basis and are customized to meet your organization's internal requirements. Customer Administrators should direct requests to change or create CDF labels to their HP Financial Services Customer Delivery Team.
For more information on editing CDFs, see How to Process a Single / Multiple Update of CDF Fields and How to Use the CDF Automated Update Function.
How to Create a Custom or Automated Report
Follow these steps to create a Custom or Automated report template.
NOTE: Only a Customer Administrator and the person who created the report can delete it.

Select the Customer from the Customer Accounts section.
Select your desired report type link (Create New Custom Report or Create Automated Update) from the Reports section.
 The following message displays when creating an Automated Update report. Select OK.

RESULT: The Report Definition section opens.
In the Name field, type in a report name that is meaningful to you.
Select if you wish this report to be Shared or Private.
In the Columns Selection section, use the left and right arrows to select or deselect your desired data fields. You can use the up and down arrows to arrange the data fields in the order you wish to see them in the report.
For Automated Update Only:
HP Financial Services uses a combination of three fields to create a unique identifier known as the Identification Keys for each asset. The three fields are Customer Code (number), Source Geo, and Asset Code. These fields are pre selected and cannot be unselected. The values in each of these fields must be greater than one. Blank is not a valid value. For additional information, see Identification Keys Explained.
In the Sorting / Grouping section, select your sorting options.
In the Filters section, select how you wish the data to be filtered.
Once you are completed and satisfied with the report, select the button.
RESULT: A sample of the report displays in the Preview Report section. To generate the processed report, select the button.
NOTE: For additional information on the activities discussed in the above procedure, see:
Template Detail Name, Type (Shared or Private), and Data Fields

Field Descriptions
The Name field displays the existing name of the report.
If you are modifying a standard report template, rename the template using this field by typing over the existing name.
If you are modifying a custom report, you have the choice to keep the name or the report displays as copy of <name of report>. You can either save the copy or rename the template using this field.
The Type field allows you to designate how the report is going to be viewed by selecting:
- Shared: If classified as shared, other users within your organization may be granted access to the report.
- Private: If classified as private, only you have access to the report.
Save as Copy
This field is not active. You cannot save a standard report using the same name. If you wish to save a duplicate copy of a standard report template, you will need to rename it. Once you have changed the name, it will display in the Reports section under Custom Reports.

Use to save custom or modified reports.

Use to delete any custom or private reports. You can also delete a shared report if you are the originator of that report.
Select the asset columns you want to display.
Columns Selection
The Columns Selection field provides the ability to
- Not Selected - shows you all of the available data fields that have not been selected
- Selected - shows you the selected data fields available in your report template.
If you wish to add and remove fields to your report, highlight the data field (s) and select right or left arrow to move the data fields between the Selected and Not Selected template columns.
If you wish to view data fields in a particular order, you can arrange the Selected data fields by using the up and down arrows to move the fields in the order you wish to view them in the final report.
NOTE: The CDFs are noted with an asterisk * in the Column Selection list.
Sorting and Grouping Report Data
Sorting and Grouping allows you select the order you wish to categorize and display the report data. Sort 1 groups your data. Sort 2 - 4 allows you to further sort your data based on your grouping selection in Sort 1. If grouping is not selected, you have the ability to select 4 elements for sorting.

Field Descriptions
Sort 1
- The Sort 1 field provides you with the ability to select how you wish your report template to be grouped. The Group results check box must be checked to use this option. Use the
drop down arrow to select the data field to group by. - Select
to have your report generated in ascending order. Select to have your report grouped in descending order. - Select to use Sort 1 to group.
NOTE: If you do not wish to use the Group option, do not check the Group results check box and you can use Sort 1 as a primary sort.
Sort 2 - 4
The Sort 2 through Sort 4 fields are used to further sort your report template data. The report template data will be organized in the order in which you defined your sorts. Use the drop down arrow to select the data field to sort by for each layer of sorting. You can choose not to use the sort options by leaving the selection at none.
Filtering Report Data Selections
The Filters feature is used to narrow your data selection using filters. It allows you to select only the data of interest for a particular report. For example you may wish to filter by Equipment Type with an Active Status. Filter categories are listed in alphabetical order.

Field Descriptions
Drop down menu that provides a list of all standard and customer defined fields your company may be using. Filter categories are listed in alphabetical order.
Drop down menu with a filter type identifier that coincides with your filter choice. The options are:
equal to
greater than
less than
Starts With
If you want to search on Bank of New Jersey you can start by typing in the first few letters.
Drop down menu that shows all associated values with the column filter selected.
Use to enter multiple serial numbers separating each by a comma.

Check this box to exclude any values you have highlighted from your Value list.
Based on your filter column choice and type, this field will either be a text box where you can enter the coinciding data, or if you selected the type List, a drop down menu with the associated options.
Then select the sign to add it to your report template. Repeat for as many filters that you need to have in the report.
How to Modify a Standard or Custom Report Template
AssetEdge provides the ability to modify an existing report template. By saving a modified report, you will not need to start from the beginning each time you wish to run a report using the same criteria.
NOTE: Saving a report template does not save the filter categories or corresponding data that is produced when the report is initially generated. It saves a template of the report components, which includes column headings as well as any grouping and sorting choices.
Follow these steps to modify a Standard or Custom Report Template:
Select a customer from the Customer Accounts section.
Select the report from the Reports section.
Select the button from the Report Definition section.
RESULT: The Report Definition section expands.
You can modify the report name in the Name field.
You can modify whether or not you wish this report to be Shared or Private.
You can modify the data fields in the Columns Selection section using the right and left arrows to select or deselect your desired data fields. You can also modify the order you wish to see the report using the up and down arrows.
You can modify how you wish the report to be sorted and grouped in the Sorting / Grouping section.
You can modify how you wish the report to be filtered in the Filter section.
Once you have completed and are satisfied with the report, select the button.
RESULT: A sample of the report displays in the Preview Report section. To generate the official report, you will then need to select the button.
For more information on the activities discussed in the above procedure see:
How to Delete a Custom Report
Shared or Custom Reports can be deleted if you are the originator of that report.
NOTE: Only your Administrator has the ability to delete shared custom reports.
Follow these steps to delete a Custom Report:
Select the custom report to be deleted.
Select .
Select .