Asset Admin


The Asset Admin page provides the ability to add a new location or make changes to an existing location within the HPFS system. The system maintains multiple location addresses and each address is assigned a Location Identifier. You can change the location of assets by Location, Schedule, or by Individual Assets. Once a location or locations are selected, you can filter using additional data fields and you can add additional fields to the location asset report.

NOTE: Processing turn around time can take up to five business days.

This section contains the following topics:

How to Move Assets To an Existing or New or Location




Select the Asset Admin Tab.

RESULT: The Change the location of your asset(s) screen opens. The following message displays:


Select the desired Customer or Customers from the Customer Accounts section.


Select whether you wish to move assets by Location, Schedule Number, or Individual Assets.

  • Select the location or multiple locations to move assets from. This returns all of the assets that are associated with the selected customers.
  • Select the schedules to move the assets from. This returns all of the schedules associated with the selected customers.
Individual Assets:
  • Returns all assets for the selected customers for all locations.

Select .

RESULT: The filtering, additional data fields, and all of the assets that reside at that selected locations displays.


In the Filters section, select how you wish the data to be filtered.

NOTE: The first filter selected is automatically included in the asset list.

RESULT: The Asset Listing displays the assets with the selected filters. Once you select the filter, the filter choices will be viewable on screen.


  • = Deletes the data filters
  • = Refreshes filter
  • = Excludes the highlighted filter
  • = Adds the data filter

For more information, see Filtering Data Selections.


You can select additional data fields along with the static data fields shown in the Asset Listing section of the screen by using the left, right, up and down arrows.

NOTE: When you select additional data fields, the data fields are instantly viewable on screen.


You can select:

  • Individual assets by checking the box next to the assets.


Select button.

RESULT: The list of address locations display and a option.


If you wish to create a New Address location, see Create a New Location.

If you wish to move the assets to an existing location, see Move to an Existing Location.

Move to an Existing Location




Select the location you wish to move the assets from the list of existing locations. Then select .

RESULT: A message displays with the new address asking you to confirm:

NOTE: If in error you try to move to the same location, the following warning message displays.


Select .

The request is processed and sent to:

  • your Inbox,
  • your Company email address on record, and
  • HPFS for processing.

Example of the the downloaded request from your Inbox:

Create a New Location





RESULT: Screen expands to enter the new location data.

Select .

NOTE: If you have missed entering required information, a pop up message displays requesting the missing information.

NOTE: State and Country listings are linked to your assigned geography in your user profile.


RESULT: A message displays with the new address asking you to confirm:



Select .

The request is processed and sent to:

  • your Inbox,
  • your Company email address on record, and
  • HPFS for processing.

Filtering Data Selections

The Filter feature is used to narrow your data selection using filters. It allows you to select only the data of interest. For example you may wish to filter by Asset Status with a BO (buyout). Filter categories are listed in alphabetical order.

Field Descriptions



Filter Column

Drop down menu that provides a list of offered standard fields your company may be using. Filter categories are listed in alphabetical order.

NOTE: The first filter selected is automatically included.


Drop down menu with a filter type identifier that coincides with your filter choice. The options are:


equal to


greater than


less than


LIKE searches on consecutive characters in a word/number. For example, if you want to search on Bank of New Jersey you can search with the following options:

  • Ban
  • ank
  • Bank o
  • Jersey
  • New Jersey


Drop down menu that shows all associated values with the column filter selected.



Based on your filter column choice and type, this field will either be a text box where you can enter the coinciding data, or if you selected the type List, a drop down menu with the associated options.

Then select the sign to add the filter. Repeat for as many filters that you need.

Check this box to exclude any values you have highlighted from your Value list.

Refreshes the filter to allow you to enter a different one.

Deletes the data filter.

Adds the data filter.

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