'async.js' hotfix for WSRP Producer for .NET on WLP 9.2 Purpose Certain .NET controls require external javascript source that is resolved through script block includes. These includes may not be processed correctly by the existing WLP 9.2 javascript framework when using the 'Asynchronous Portlet Content Rendering' feature. To address this, a correct 'async.js' file is provided with the Application Accelerator for .NET installation. More Information This WLP 9.2 feature is documented here: http://e-docs.bea.com/wlp/docs92/portlets/performance.html#wp1027903 How to Use On the WLP machine, replace each instance of the file async.js with the file included with the .Net Application Accelerator. In particular, the file found in the following directory of each server domain must be updated: \user_projects\domains\\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user\wlp-light-web-lib\o77txx\framework\features\js\async.js Note: To have IE pick up the latest version, you must clear the browser temporary file cache. Be aware that this "patched" version is based on the WLP 9.2.0 shipping version, and if you have a version of WLP that is more recent, it may not be appropriate to do this. Date: 2006-9-29