Searching and Navigating on the Portal
The following explains the various search features used throughout the Portal. All of the features may not be used on every portlet.
NOTE: When a conducting a Customer search, if the Customer is marked as Global, it is returned for all searches where it matches the search criteria entered regardless of the country of the user.
LIKE (Begin with and Wildcard) search:
You are able to search in Phoenix using LIKE. LIKE searches in the following ways:
- 'Begins with' search: Enter a single or more than one character at the beginning of the search. The more values you enter will narrow your search. This returns search results start with the character or characters entered. For example, SMITH returns results:
- Smith Incorporated
- Smith and Jones Company
- Wildcard search: The wildcard is a percent sign (%). Enter the wildcard in front of a search to do an 'Includes' search. This returns results that include the characters entered anywhere in the number, word, or words shown in the results. For example, %ITH returns results with the following:
- Smith Associates
- The John Smith Company
- The Keith Richard's Company
Additional Searches:
Once you complete the first search, depending or the portlet you are on, additional searches become available to help you further narrow down your results until you receive satisfactory results. The following lists the other types of searches you may come across:
- A drop down menu where you can select another search category that opens a drop down with matching criteria e.g., if the category is you select is State, a new drop down opens with a list of all of the States.
- A drop down where you can select another search category that opens a LIKE text box.
- A new LIKE category with a text box
Search Results:
Search results display ten records per list. A Search that returns more than ten are broken down by ten records per page.
Expand List button :
On some portlets, there is a button located on the bottom of the list . When selected, it expands the display and enables the user to display all results on one page, regardless of the number.
Navigating through the Search Results:
Navigation Arrows:
Navigation arrows are used to page through your search results.

takes you to the first result on the first page. takes you to the previous page. takes you to the next page. takes you to the last Customer on the last page.
You can sort search results in ascending or descending order. The down arrow indicates the page is sorted in descending order. The up arrow indicates the page is sorted in ascending order.
When a column heading is scrolled over, it displays red and underlined indicating it is ready for selection e.g.,
Jump to :
Jump to is used in conjunction with the Column Sort functionality. It allows you to move to items in the column you have sorted on. Once you select a column to sort, the Jump to changes to the selected column and provides a drop down menu listing the results for that column.
Clear a Search:
Select hyperlink. Once you scroll over it, it displays red and underlined indicating it is ready for selection e.g.,

Single/Multiple :
The Single/Multiple feature is used on many portlets. It allows you to select a single item or multiple items from a list. The circular check box displays when you select indicating you whish to choose one item. The square check box displays when you select indicating you wish to choose more that one item from a list.