Displays the name of the company.
Displays the type of task:
Displays the Category for the request:
- Credit Request -Prescreen (request for risk rating)
- Credit Request -New Request
- Credit Request -Increase (to an existing line)
- Credit Request -Cancelled/Withdrawn by sales
- Credit Request -Pre-Approval
- Legal Request (All)
- Legal Request -Legal Docs
- Pricing Request (All)
- Pricing Request -Pricing
Task Status
Displays the status of the task. The options are:
- Review Required
- More Info Needed
- Approved
- Prescreen complete
- Declined
- Conditional Approval
- Withdrawn (Lost)
- Withdrawn (On Hold)
- Awaiting Approval
- Inactive
- Blocked
- Extension
- No Renewal Required
- More Info Provided
- Pending Credit Approval
- More Info Needed
- Abandoned
- Negotiation Complete
- Team Leader Handling
- More Info Provided
- Response Required
- Submit Special Bid
- Complete
- Complete-Revised
- In Process
- Resubmit Special Bid
- ROE Tool Approved
- ROE Tool Rejected
- More Info Needed
- More Info Provided
Request By
Displays the user ID who created the task.
Requested Date
Displays the creation date of the task.
Requested Due Date
Displays the due date the FAM requested.
Assigned By
Displays the User ID of the FAM who assigned the task.